Critical Reading Review 1

Small, Christopher. “Prelude: Music and Musicking.” In Musicking: The Meanings of Performing and Listening. Pp. 1-18. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1998.

The main point of this reading was to redefine music as an activity (musicking) instead of a concept. Smalls defined musicking as taking part, "in any capacity, in a musical performance" (Smalls 9). This definition assumes that all activities that contribute to such a performance are equally a part of musicking, whether it be performing, listening, adjusting sound in the booth, or cleaning up after a show, to use an example from his book.

Discussion Question:
The reading specifically defined musicking as the activities that go into a "musical performance." What defines a musical performance? Is it possible to engage in musicking in some way outside of what is typically considered a performance?


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